Catchy energy saving slogans are a way to grab hold of someone's attention and ideally, make them think and act on any particular situation.
Presidential campaigns have been doing it for centuries.
Energy saving slogans are designed to do just that, grab a person's attention and goad them into some type of action, whether it be by humorous means or shock value.
Energy saving slogans are a relatively new phenomena, mostly because the widely expressed idea of energy conservation is also relatively new, propagated by conscientious citizens who develop and support a green sensibility.
Organizations that are eco-friendly even fund competitions to find the best slogan from among tens of thousands of entries and they can be very clever, for instance:
- Leaks make your future bleak
- The less you burn, the more you earn
- Today's wastage is tomorrow's shortage
- Life is energy. Energy is life
- Energy = money conservation control ( a take on E=mc2)
- "Let there be light"-for our grandchildren
- Practice conservation for future generations
- Save today survive tomorrow
- Think globally act locally
These and other sayings are meant to incite people into action about conservation.
The hope is that the cleverer they are, the more memorable they will be and stick with a person for an extended period of time.
Energy saving slogans are used by energy conservation industries or organizations and in conjunction with posters and even television commercials.
These slogans coupled with remarkable characters (think Smokey the Bear and "only you can prevent forest fires") can make for memorable ad campaigns.
Energy saving slogans most often are intended to arouse some type of call to action from the viewer.
Action that needs to reach out to many more people worldwide if we are to have a positive effect on our global circumstances. Until then, remember - Energy misused can not be excused.
Energy Saving Slogans Grab Your Attention and Goad You to Take Action
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